Elizabeth Murray Belcaster

Ms. Belcaster has been leading initiatives for Veterans’ and military families for almost a decade. She has seven years training and strategic development with International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Human Rights Commission and Building Material & Construction Trade Division, with responsibility for leadership and coalition building on behalf of the Teamsters Military Assistance Program (TMAP), representing the International Brotherhood of Teamsters at affiliated meetings, summit’s and development ventures. TMAP is a national program that assists veterans, reserve and guard candidates in obtaining a Commercial Truck Drivers License. In 2012 the TMAP program has advanced its efforts and is partnered with Department of Defense in developing a strategic mobile training to placement pilot program.
For seven years Ms. Belcaster served as special assistant to International Brotherhood of Teamsters, TMAP/Helmets to Hardhats National Coordinator. She is also represented as a lead Consultant for the Teamsters Building Material & Construction Trades Division. Ms. Belcaster is responsible for networking with employers, military partners, legislators as well as building independent partnerships with labor affiliates and with veteran’s service organizations across the county.
Ms. Belcaster served as Chairman and lead panelist for the American Legion National Licensing and Credentialing Summit that took place in Feb. 2012. She continues to support the licensing and credentialing efforts with our administration’s Joining Forces team, the U. S. Department of Defense and Department of Labor as well as collaborative state agency meetings across the country to address these very critical issues.
Ms. Belcaster had concurrent experience directing political campaign initiatives for the offices of Governor, State and National Congress, Senate, Aldermanic, and regional judicial positions. She has also served three years as public relations and legislative liaison for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
In addition Ms. Belcaster is the Executive Director and founder of a non-profit organization “Heroes to Healthcare.(H2HC)” The organization’s purpose is to provide recruitment, credentialing, training/education, mentoring, job placement and retention of employment services to returning and recently discharged Veterans. The program, managed by a team of experts in the employment, education and training industries, is employment focused and calculates its success in one way: the number of Veterans who receive education, training and credentials that lead to sustainable employment in healthcare related sectors. Ms. Belcaster co-founded the H2HC program based on interviews she experienced with OIF/OEF veterans that were medics in the military. Many of these interviewed candidates had medical certifications and licensure from the military that could not be transitioned into the civilian sector due to state wide regulations. The H2HC program is working with national and local leadership from the healthcare industry as well as leadership from the all branches of the military in defining a path that would resolve some of the gaps and impediments the veterans are faced with.
Ms. Belcaster is also co-founder and National Consultant for the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), Utility Workers Military Assistance Program (UMAP). The UMAP program was developed in 2011 and responsible for putting 150 veterans in training to placement program in Illinois. It is a public/ private training to placement program that transitions veterans, reserve and guard candidates with gainful career opportunities with the Utility Workers of America Gas and Electrical Sector jobs. The UMAP program has now expanded into seven states across the country.
Elizabeth Murray-Belcaster
EMB Consultants, Inc. / BIO
202-624-6885 Washington Office
773-678-7026 Cell (preferred)
[email protected]